
DNS: did not start, DNF: did not finish

Davide Villellabefore the stageGeneral Classification (05 May)
Davide Villellabefore the stagestage 5 (05 May)
Jan Hirtbefore the stageGeneral Classification (05 May)
Jan Hirtbefore the stagestage 5 (05 May)
Eros Capecchibefore the stageGeneral Classification (05 May)
Eros Capecchibefore the stagestage 5 (05 May)
Jos van Emdenbefore the stageGeneral Classification (05 May)
Jos van Emdenbefore the stagestage 5 (05 May)
Florian Sénéchalbefore the stageGeneral Classification (05 May)
Florian Sénéchalbefore the stagestage 5 (05 May)
Fabio Sabatinibefore the stageGeneral Classification (05 May)
Fabio Sabatinibefore the stagestage 5 (05 May)
Neilson Powlessduring the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Chad Hagaduring the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Patrick Müllerduring the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Léo Vincentbefore the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Andrey Amadorbefore the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Rodrigo Contrerasbefore the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Giacomo Nizzolobefore the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Nate Brownbefore the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Elia Vivianibefore the stagestage 4 (04 May)
Asbjørn Kragh Andersenduring the stagestage 3 (03 May)
Sam Bennettduring the stagestage 3 (03 May)
Manuele Moriduring the stagestage 3 (03 May)
Stevie Williamsbefore the stagestage 3 (03 May)
Chun Kai Fengduring the stagestage 2 (02 May)
Mads Würtz Schmidtbefore the stagestage 2 (02 May)
Dion Smithbefore the stagestage 2 (02 May)
Adam Blytheduring the stagestage 1 (01 May)
Jakub Mareczkoduring the stagestage 1 (01 May)
Alex Dowsettduring the stagestage 1 (01 May)
Gino Mäderbefore the stagestage 1 (01 May)
Jacques Janse van Rensburgbefore the stagestage 1 (01 May)
Sam Bewleybefore the stagePrologue (30 April)