
DNS: did not start, DNF: did not finish

Davide Villellabefore the stage05 May
Jan Hirtbefore the stage05 May
Eros Capecchibefore the stage05 May
Jos van Emdenbefore the stage05 May
Florian Sénéchalbefore the stage05 May
Fabio Sabatinibefore the stage05 May
Neilson Powlessduring the stage04 May
Chad Hagaduring the stage04 May
Patrick Müllerduring the stage04 May
Léo Vincentbefore the stage04 May
Andrey Amadorbefore the stage04 May
Rodrigo Contrerasbefore the stage04 May
Giacomo Nizzolobefore the stage04 May
Nate Brownbefore the stage04 May
Elia Vivianibefore the stage04 May
Asbjørn Kragh Andersenduring the stage03 May
Sam Bennettduring the stage03 May
Manuele Moriduring the stage03 May
Stevie Williamsbefore the stage03 May
Chun Kai Fengduring the stage02 May
Mads Würtz Schmidtbefore the stage02 May
Dion Smithbefore the stage02 May
Adam Blytheduring the stage01 May
Jakub Mareczkoduring the stage01 May
Alex Dowsettduring the stage01 May
Gino Mäderbefore the stage01 May
Jacques Janse van Rensburgbefore the stage01 May
Sam Bewleybefore the stage30 April