
DNS: did not start, DNF: did not finish

Michele Scarponibefore the stagestage 7 (15 March)
Jens Debusscherebefore the stagestage 7 (15 March)
Lars Petter Nordhaugduring the stagestage 6 (14 March)
Giacomo Nizzolobefore the stagestage 6 (14 March)
Marco Frapportiduring the stagestage 4 (12 March)
Alberto Losadabefore the stagestage 3 (11 March)
Lukasz Owsianbefore the stagestage 3 (11 March)
Bert De Backerbefore the stagestage 2 (10 March)
Jurgen Van den Broeckbefore the stagestage 2 (10 March)