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General classificationPrize pool: $175.64
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1Eriko | Erikje 581$33.20
1Jekke 2 | Jekke 581$33.20
3mullummer 2 | mullummer 571$22.13
4mmk 1 | mmk 566$18.44
5Makkiemc 1 | Makkiemc 564$15.98
6passioneel 3 | passioneel 553$14.05
7Kleppers 2 | Kleppers 542$12.29
8RONDJE 25 TWEE | Rondje 25 539$9.66
8zello bike 1 | zello bike 539$9.66
10Jekke 1 | Jekke 536$7.03
11Feyenoord | feyenoorder1985 535
12King_Lordie 6 1 | King_Lordie 69 533
13mullummer 1 | mullummer 530
14tchmil85 2 | tchmil85 527
15Luca | Luca 526

News Feed



Last update 3:22 26 Mar



Ethias Cross Beringen final result

1.Toon Aerts150
2.Eli Iserbyt120
3.Lars van der Haar100
4.Michael Vanthourenhout80
5.Daan Soete70
6.Laurens Sweeck60
7.Thomas Mein55
8.Corné van Kessel50
9.Quinten Hermans45
10.Ryan Kamp40
11.Nicolas Cleppe35
12.Jelle Camps32
13.Emiel Verstrynge29
14.Pim Ronhaar26
15.Thibau Nys23
16.Joran Wyseure20
17.Jim Aernouts18
18.Wout Vervoort16
19.Tom Meeusen14
20.Ryan Cortjens12
21.Maik van der Heijden10
22.Arne Baers9
23.Seppe Rombouts8
24.Jens Clynhens7
25.Lennert Belmans6
26.Yentl Bekaert5
27.Stan Godrie4
28.Arno Van den Broeck3
29.Gerben Kuypers2
30.Joachim Van Looveren1