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General classificationPrize pool: $179.95
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1denistel 3 | denistel 537$35.27
2Madenry 1 | Madenry 525$24.25
3HUBBY 1 | HUBBY 522$19.84
4Corleone | Corleone 516$16.54
5mullummer 2 | mullummer 511$14.33
6GeertK 1 | GeertK 506$12.60
7plutonium 1 | plutonium 501$11.03
8KOM OP | fherrema 496$9.45
9de adelaar 2 | de adelaar 493$7.88
10JAGO 1 | JAGO 487$6.30
11kobalov 1 | kobalov 483$5.04
12delbos 4 | delbos 481$4.86
13Wes's toppers | WesLee 479$4.50
14frinck 1 | frinck 477$4.14
15delbos 1 | delbos 476$3.96

News Feed



Last update 14:01 22 Mar



Exact Cross Kruibeke Men final result

1.Michael Vanthourenhout150
2.Eli Iserbyt120
3.Laurens Sweeck100
4.Lars van der Haar80
5.Tom Meeusen70
6.Niels Vandeputte60
7.Jens Adams55
8.Toon Vandebosch50
9.Ryan Kamp45
10.Lander Loockx40
11.Thijs Aerts35
12.David Menut32
13.Yentl Bekaert29
14.Lukas Vanderlinden26
15.Ward Huybs23
16.Anton Ferdinande20
17.Robin Alderweireld18
18.Arne Baers16
19.Seppe Rombouts14
20.Nathan Bommenel12
21.Victor Van de Putte10
22.Danny van Lierop9
23.Kenay De Moyer8
24.Nathan Smith7
25.Grégory Careme6
26.Pete Uptegrove5
27.Corentin Lequet4
28.Yenthe Vanhoudt3
29.Senne D'Hollander2
30.Geoffrey Rausch1