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General classificationPrize pool: $716.38
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1denistel 2 | denistel 547$117.94
2GeertK 1 | GeertK 521$81.08
3FabioIgnacio2 1 | FabioIgnacio27 517$66.34
4Niels van Hap 2 | Niels van Haperen 516$55.28
5Niels van Hap 1 | Niels van Haperen 512$45.02
5Rimini 1 | Rimini 512$45.02
7Aralc 1 | Aralc 511$31.59
7JKemps 1 | JKemps 511$31.59
7Vinnie 1 | Vinnie 511$31.59
10VC CG | Steve Clamp 510$18.95
10venderking 1 | venderking 510$18.95
12santi 1 | santi 509$15.65
12Stensig 1 | Stensig 509$15.65
14Pilloe 1 | Pilloe 506$13.54
14WestereenderZ 1 | WestereenderZweelers 506$13.54

News Feed



Last update 14:56 23 Mar



GP Sven Nys Baal (X2O Trofee) Men final result

1.Eli Iserbyt150
2.Michael Vanthourenhout120
3.Tom Pidcock100
4.Lars van der Haar80
5.Jens Adams70
6.Joris Nieuwenhuis60
7.Quinten Hermans55
8.Cameron Mason50
9.Pim Ronhaar45
10.Timo Kielich40
11.Thomas Mein35
12.Felipe Orts32
13.Thijs Aerts29
14.Lander Loockx26
15.Michael Boroš23
16.David Menut20
17.Curtis White18
18.Corné van Kessel16
19.Zdenek Stybar14
20.Yentl Bekaert12
21.Sander De Vet10
22.Seppe Rombouts9
23.Robin Alderweireld8
24.Thymen Arensman7
25.Ryan Cortjens6
26.Dolf Pemen5
27.Mario Junquera4
28.Caleb Swartz3
29.Cyprien Gilles2
30.Andrew Dillman1