If you click on the tabs on the left side you can switch between the live games and finished games.
General classificationPrize pool: $167.23
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1BRUSSELS CX X20 | Pieter@2018 510$32.78
2Corleone | Corleone 506$20.49
2WalterAntonis 1 | WalterAntonis 506$20.49
4Andyreg 1 | Andyreg 505$15.36
5denistel 1 | denistel 500$12.51
5VOX | passioneel 500$12.51
7delbos 1 | delbos 499$10.25
8iantai | iantai 498$8.78
9RobinbankNL 1 | RobinbankNL 497$7.32
10Kleppers 4 | Kleppers 491$5.27
10passioneel 4 | passioneel 491$5.27
12oborobo 2 | oborobo 490$4.51
13Batu Fem | Gunung Batu 488$3.90
13Maders Minde | month 488$3.90
13Vinnie 2 | Vinnie 488$3.90

News Feed



Last update 3:22 26 Mar



Brussels Universities Cyclocross final result

1.Fem van Empel150
2.Lucinda Brand120
3.Annemarie Worst100
4.Ceylin Del Carmen Alvarado80
5.Denise Betsema70
6.Marion Norbert Riberolle60
7.Aniek van Alphen55
8.Francesca Baroni50
9.Laura Verdonschot45
10.Manon Bakker40
11.Rebecca Gariboldi35
12.Alicia Franck32
13.Anna Kay29
14.Leonie Bentveld26
15.Jinse Peeters23
16.Julie Brouwers20
17.Febe De Smedt18
18.Ellen Van Loy16
19.Loes Sels14
20.Giada Borghesi12
21.Elodie Kuijper10
22.Tessa Zwaenepoel9
23.Maïté Barthels8
24.Kiona Crabbé7
25.Kimberly Boven6
26.Juline Delcommune5
27.Lara Defour4
28.Tine Rombouts3
29.Lies'l Schevenels2
30.Laura Greenhalgh1