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General classificationPrize pool: $682.35
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1 (5)Ralphbosch 1 | Ralphbosch 94816$112.33
2FabioIgnacio2 2 | FabioIgnacio27 93215$77.23
3 (1)Ina-Yoko | Jakbo 93015$63.19
4FabioIgnacio2 1 | FabioIgnacio27 92815$52.66
5 (3)FabioIgnacio2 3 | FabioIgnacio27 92015$45.63
6 (8)FabioIgnacio2 4 | FabioIgnacio27 91915$40.12
7 (5)Alberto Beras 1 | Alberto Berasategui 90815$35.11
8 (14)Hrvatsko Platje | Platt 89616$30.09
9 (10)RKHBS 1 | RKHBS 89516$25.08
10 (7)Harvest | Jasper 89215$18.05
10 (11)mmk 1 | mmk 89214$18.05
12 (9)canidanes 1 | canidanes 89116$14.89
12IKE 1 | IKE 89115$14.89
14 (16)Elm 1 | Elm 88115$13.18
15 (34)scuub 1 | scuub 87316$12.61

News Feed



Last update 1:33 27 Mar



stage 6

1.Campbell Stewart50
2.Alexander Kristoff40
3.Gal Glivar35
4.Nicolò Parisini30
5.Tobias Lund Andresen26
6.Matevž Govekar22
7.Giovanni Lonardi18
8.Tim Torn Teutenberg15
9.Nicolò Buratti12
10.Iúri Leitão11
11.Viktor Potočki10
12.Tilen Finkšt9
13.Urko Berrade8
14.Tim Wollenberg7
15.Corey Davis6
16.Dylan Hopkins5
17.Connor Swift4
18.Piotr Pekala3
19.Matúš Stoček2
20.Ethan Hayter1