If you click on the tabs on the left side you can switch between the live games and finished games.
General classificationPrize pool: $251.00
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1Rimini 1 | Rimini 543$45.41
2Jebjernberg 2 | Jebjernberg 539$31.22
3Fertilicious 1 | Fertilicious 535$25.54
4Flyingjonas 1 | Flyingjonas 523$21.28
5zello bike 1 | zello bike 519$18.45
6Jebjernberg 3 | Jebjernberg 517$16.22
7morelli 1 | morelli 516$14.19
8frinck 2 | frinck 513$12.16
9De Jerommekes | De Jerommekes 508$10.14
10Heiner Maijer 2 | Heiner Maijer 505$8.11
11kapitan 1 | kapitan 499$6.48
12tchmil85 2 | tchmil85 490$6.25
13Limbabwe 1 | Limbabwe 488$5.79
14FabioIgnacio2 5 | FabioIgnacio27 486$5.33
15KO-94 1 | KO-94 482$5.10

News Feed



Last update 23:59 22 Feb



World Cup Antwerpen final result

1.Fem van Empel150
2.Lucinda Brand120
3.Puck Pieterse100
4.Ceylin Del Carmen Alvarado80
5.Laura Verdonschot70
6.Shirin van Anrooij60
7.Inge van der Heijden55
8.Marie Schreiber50
9.Leonie Bentveld45
10.Zoe Backstedt40
11.Manon Bakker35
12.Annemarie Worst32
13.Sanne Cant29
14.Denise Betsema26
15.Sara Casasola23
16.Blanka Vas20
17.Lauren Molengraaf18
18.Alicia Franck16
19.Amandine Fouquenet14
20.Aniek van Alphen12
21.Larissa Hartog10
22.Marion Norbert Riberolle9
23.Lucia Gonzalez8
24.Julia Kopecky7
25.Julie Brouwers6
26.Francesca Baroni5
27.Lauriane Duraffourg4
28.Fleur Moors3
29.Marthe Truyen2
30.Sofia Rodriguez1