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General classificationPrize pool: $347.92
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1Wes's toppers | WesLee 556$68.19
2De Nachtegaal 1 | De Nachtegaal 535$46.88
3fdl 1 | fdl 523$38.36
4fedepid 2 | fedepid 520$31.97
5zello bike 1 | zello bike 500$27.70
6FabioIgnacio2 1 | FabioIgnacio27 495$24.35
7Aralc 2 | Aralc 491$21.31
8ChassePatateC 2 | ChassePatateCycling 490$18.27
9elbufalo 1 | elbufalo 482$12.38
9JVenss 1 | JVenss 482$12.38
9Latasa 2 | Latasa 482$12.38
12FabioIgnacio2 2 | FabioIgnacio27 481$9.05
12Ferreij77 1 | Ferreij77 481$9.05
14JVenss 2 | JVenss 480$8.00
15sissoko5 1 | sissoko5 473$7.65

News Feed



Last update 22:20 28 Mar



Olympics Mountain Bike

1.Tom Pidcock150
2.Victor Koretzky120
3.Alan Hatherly100
4.Luca Braidot80
5.Mathias Flückiger70
6.Samuel Gaze60
7.Riley Amos55
8.Charlie Aldridge50
9.Nino Schurter45
10.David Valero40
11.Martin Vidaurre35
12.Simon Andreassen32
13.Christopher Blevins29
14.Jordan Sarrou26
15.Julian Schelb23
16.Luca Schwarzbauer20
17.Martins Blums18
18.Pierre de Froidmont16
19.Simone Avondetto14
20.Knut Roehme12
21.Ulan Bastos10
22.Maximilian Foidl9
23.Adair Zabdiel Gutierrez8
24.Jofre Cullell7
25.Ondřej Cink6
26.Jens Schuermans5
27.Krzysztof Lukasik4
28.Romano Puentener3
29.Tomer Zaltsman2
30.Gunnar Holmgren1