If you click on the tabs on the left side you can switch between the live games and finished games.
General classificationPrize pool: $122.36
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1 (3)PrayForUkraine | RomanPravnyk92 685$32.77
2supercheva 1 | supercheva 683$21.85
3 (1)tatone 1 | tatone 671$16.39
4 (5)supercheva 2 | supercheva 650$13.11
5 (4)Srobotnikov 1 | Srobotnikov 633$9.83
6keisagreen | greensnake 608$6.55
7 (10)piloupilou2 1 | piloupilou2 599$5.46
8 (11)Ilbolognese 2 | Ilbolognese 597$4.37
9 (7)balkidoe 1 | balkidoe 592$3.28
10 (14)GOOREIND 1 | GOOREIND 592$3.28
11 (12)andre65 1 | andre65 589$2.73
12 (20)Beethoven | Beethoven 581$2.73
13 (8)supercheva 3 | supercheva 574
14 (13)Kleppers 1 | Kleppers 569
15 (22)MikelNieve 1 | MikelNieve 561


Last update 3:22 26 Mar


World Cup Ruhpolding I


1.Laura Dahlmeier2