If you click on the tabs on the left side you can switch between the live games and finished games.
General classificationPrize pool: $212.27
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1santvoortniek 1 | santvoortniek 1061$67.93
2elcopf 1 | elcopf 1041$42.45
2Frankd85 1 | Frankd85 1041$42.45
4Sjell 1 | Sjell 1021$31.84
5Floriiisco 2 | Floriiisco 941$13.80
5iantai | iantai 941$13.80
7Gé Meijer 1 | Gé Meijer 911
7RacingTOM 1 | RacingTOM 911
9Germart 1 | Germart 901
10Strobeda 2 | Strobeda 891
11Cocquyt 1 | Cocquyt 861
11Warum nur ? | klemminator 861
13 (11)freepad 1 | freepad 780
13 (11)Grandstand Fi 1 | Grandstand Finish 780
13 (11)venderking 1 | venderking 780

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Last update 3:22 26 Mar



International Darts Open

Rob Cross6
Gerwyn Price8
Rob Cross7
Peter Wright6
Gerwyn Price7
Glen Durrant3
Richard North1
Rob Cross6
Adrian Lewis0
Peter Wright6
Gerwyn Price6
Nathan Aspinall4
Glen Durrant6
Daryl Gurney4
Richard North6
Steve West5
Joe Cullen0
Rob Cross6
Adrian Lewis6
Jonny Clayton2