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General classificationPrize pool: $153.72
If you click on the team name you will go to an overview where you can see the details of this team and how this team is scoring in this game.
If you click on the points, you will see the sportsmen from that team highlighted in yellow on the result in the right column.
1Sjell 1 | Sjell 478$34.43
2Feyenoord | feyenoorder1985 474$23.67
3oborobo 1 | oborobo 472$19.37
4Karval 1 | Karval 452$16.14
5JAGO 2 | JAGO 443$13.99
6zello bike 1 | zello bike 440$12.30
7passioneel 1 | passioneel 437$10.76
8denemarken 2 | denemarken 434$9.22
9Robinho | Robin 429$7.69
10frinck 2 | frinck 427$6.15
11zimsky 2 | zimsky 426
12Makkiemc 1 | Makkiemc 424
13kurt23 2 | kurt23 419
14Jantje 1 | Jantje 417
15JAGO 3 | JAGO 405

News Feed



Last update 3:22 26 Mar



Rectavit GP Pelt final result

1.Laurens Sweeck120
2.Quinten Hermans100
3.Lars van der Haar90
4.Tom Meeusen80
5.Timo Kielich70
6.Jens Adams60
7.David van der Poel50
8.Daan Soete40
9.Marcel Meisen35
10.Thijs Aerts30
11.Toon Vandebosch25
12.Jim Aernouts20
13.Yannick Peeters17
14.Gianni Siebens14
15.Ryan Kamp12
16.Gerben Kuypers10
17.Ryan Cortjens9
18.Julian Siemons8
19.Joachim Van Looveren7
20.Senne De Meyer6
21.Lars Boom5
22.Arne Vrachten4
23.Bart Artz3
24.Klaas Groenen2
25.Sander De Vet1