
DNS: did not start, DNF: did not finish

Maxime Mederelbefore the stage03 May
Maarten Tjallingiibefore the stage03 May
Manuele Moribefore the stage03 May
Carlos Betancurbefore the stage03 May
Michael Hepburnbefore the stage03 May
Matthieu Ladagnousduring the stage02 May
Angelo Tulikduring the stage02 May
Gianni Meersmanduring the stage02 May
Simon Gerransbefore the stage02 May
Julian Alaphilippebefore the stage02 May
Peter Kennaughduring the stage01 May
John Gadretduring the stage01 May
Lieuwe Westraduring the stage01 May
Marco Coledanduring the stage01 May
Georg Preidlerduring the stage01 May
Sander Arméebefore the stage01 May
Arthur Vichotduring the stage30 April
Svein Tuftbefore the stage30 April
Alexis Vuillermozbefore the stage29 April
Alexis Vuillermozbefore the stage29 April
Michał Gołaśbefore the stage29 April
Michał Gołaśbefore the stage29 April