
DNS: did not start, DNF: did not finish

Ryan Rothduring the stage07 August
Peter Stetinaduring the stage07 August
Kévin Ledanoisduring the stage07 August
Joe Lewisduring the stage07 August
Eric Marcotteduring the stage07 August
Luis Romeroduring the stage07 August
Jordan Cheyneduring the stage07 August
Joshua Berryduring the stage07 August
Jacob Ratheduring the stage07 August
Adam de Vosduring the stage07 August
Kristofer Dahlduring the stage07 August
Matteo Dal-Cinduring the stage07 August
David Tannerduring the stage07 August
Nigel Ellsayduring the stage06 August
Ben Perryduring the stage06 August
Jon Hornbeckduring the stage06 August
Eugenio Alafaciduring the stage06 August
Tom Zirbelduring the stage03 August
Julián Arredondoduring the stage03 August
Greg Danielduring the stage03 August
Brian Kamstraduring the stage02 August
Miguel Bryonduring the stage02 August
Rik van IJzendoornduring the stage02 August
Justin Mottierduring the stage02 August
Yuma Koishiduring the stage02 August
Sam Williamsduring the stage02 August
George Harperbefore the stage02 August
Heinrich Hausslerduring the stage01 August
Corentin Cherhalduring the stage01 August