
DNS: did not start, DNF: did not finish

Válter Pereiraduring the stageGeneral Classification (23 February)
Válter Pereiraduring the stagestage 5 (23 February)
André Evangelistaduring the stageGeneral Classification (23 February)
André Evangelistaduring the stagestage 5 (23 February)
Edward Theunsbefore the stageGeneral Classification (23 February)
Edward Theunsbefore the stagestage 5 (23 February)
Nikolas Maesbefore the stageGeneral Classification (23 February)
Nikolas Maesbefore the stagestage 5 (23 February)
Simone Consonnibefore the stageGeneral Classification (23 February)
Simone Consonnibefore the stagestage 5 (23 February)
Luis León Sanchezbefore the stageGeneral Classification (23 February)
Luis León Sanchezbefore the stagestage 5 (23 February)
Roger Klugeduring the stagestage 4 (22 February)
Pedro Paulinhoduring the stagestage 4 (22 February)
Koen de Kortbefore the stagestage 4 (22 February)
Alexys Brunelduring the stagestage 3 (21 February)
João Matiasduring the stagestage 2 (20 February)
Dylan van Baarlebefore the stagestage 1 (19 February)