
DNS: did not start, DNF: did not finish

Sacha Modoloduring the stagestage 6 (22 February)
Tom Veelersduring the stagestage 6 (22 February)
Steve Chainelduring the stagestage 6 (22 February)
Cyril Lemoineduring the stagestage 6 (22 February)
Dario Cataldoduring the stagestage 4 (20 February)
Tim Declercqbefore the stagestage 4 (20 February)
Matteo Trentinduring the stagestage 3 (19 February)
Jens Keukeleireduring the stagestage 2 (18 February)
Edoardo Zardiniduring the stagestage 2 (18 February)
Alessandro De Marchibefore the stagestage 1 (17 February)