
DNS: did not start, DNF: did not finish

Denis Menchovduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Cameron Petersonduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Will Clarkeduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Peter Kennaughduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Thomas Rohreggerduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Matthew Buscheduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Brett Lancasterduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Serge Pauwelsduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Andrew Fennduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Olivier Kaisenduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Francis De Greefduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Jurgen Van De Walleduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Simone Stortoniduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Dmitriy Kozonchukduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Mads Christensenduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
David Zabriskieduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Koldo Fernándezduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Laurent Pichonduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Cédric Pineauduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Brian Bach Vandborgduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Federico Canutiduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Yannick Eijssenduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Steve Cummingsduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Steven Kruijswijkduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Francesco Gavazziduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Julien Bérardduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Guillaume Bonnafondduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Oliver Zauggduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Stéphane Poulhièsduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Jeremie Gallandduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Brice Feilluduring the stagestage 7 (24 March)
Manuel Cardosoduring the stagestage 6 (23 March)
Blel Kadriduring the stagestage 6 (23 March)
Moreno Hoflandduring the stagestage 6 (23 March)
Jean-Marc Marinoduring the stagestage 6 (23 March)
Matthew Lloydduring the stagestage 5 (22 March)
Kenny Elissondebefore the stagestage 5 (22 March)
Jack Bobridgeduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Valerio Agnoliduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Tarik Chaoufiduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Andrea Guardiniduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Robert Wagnerduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Eros Capecchiduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Alejandro Valverdeduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Jetse Bolduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Jon Aberasturiduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Jonas Ahlstrandduring the stagestage 4 (21 March)
Joost van Leijenduring the stagestage 3 (20 March)
Sandy Casarduring the stagestage 3 (20 March)
Christian Vande Veldeduring the stagestage 3 (20 March)
Maximiliano Richezeduring the stagestage 3 (20 March)
Allan Davisbefore the stagestage 3 (20 March)
Adam Hansenbefore the stagestage 2 (19 March)
Chris Hornerbefore the stagestage 2 (19 March)