Game rules


Before you can participate to this game, you need to be registered with Zweeler Ltd. Once registered for one of the games, you can play them all!!

After registration you can start creating your team(s). The teams can be submitted and changed until the start of the game on Saturday 25 November 2017 14:00.

You have a 55 million budget to buy 6 drivers of which you think are going to win the most points in the Fantasy Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Qualifying 2017.

Príklad: Ak jeden z vašich jazdcov skončí druhý v kvalifikácii, dostane 80 bodov. Ak ďalší jazdec skončí na šiestom mieste, dostanete ďalších 45 bodov, atď. Detaily bodov, ktoré môžete získať nájdete v hlavičke "body" na tejto stránke.

Toto je hra len pre kvalifikáciu Gran Prix. Môžete získať body iba počas kvalifikácie. Tresty na štartovom rošte nemajú žiaden vplyv na výsledky kvalifikácie!

Moreover, you fill in the following predictions:

  • Winner qualification

The values of the drivers can be found through the link: drivers

It is allowed to submit multiple teams per player. There is only 1 restriction: Different teams of the same participant need to differ by a minimum of 2 drivers* from each other.

* The software will give a message when this rule is broken!

It is not allowed to create more then 3 teams for this game.

With all unforeseen circumstances, Zweeler Ltd. will make a decision.


Extra predictionPoints
Winner qualification25