Added to start list
23-09 20:40AZAboukhlal, Zakaria
23-09 20:40AZBakker, Justin
23-09 20:40AZBergsma, Leon
23-09 20:40AZBizot, Marco
23-09 20:40AZBoadu, Myron
23-09 20:40AZBoer, Rody de
23-09 20:40AZClasie, Jordy
23-09 20:40AZDruijf, Ferdy
23-09 20:40AZFriday, Fred
23-09 20:40AZGoudmijn, Kenzo
23-09 20:40AZGudmundsson, Albert
23-09 20:40AZHatzidiakos, Pantelis
23-09 20:40AZIdrissi, Oussama
23-09 20:40AZKoopmeiners, Teun
23-09 20:40AZKramer, Joris
23-09 20:40AZMidtsjø, Fredrik
23-09 20:40AZOuwejan, Thomas
23-09 20:40AZReijnders, Tijani
23-09 20:40AZSchendelaar, Jasper
23-09 20:40AZStengs, Calvin
23-09 20:40AZSugawara, Yukinari
23-09 20:40AZSvensson, Jonas
23-09 20:40AZVlaar, Ron
23-09 20:40AZWeigelt, Henri
23-09 20:40AZWijndal, Owen
23-09 20:40AZWit, Dani de
23-09 20:40AZWuytens, Stijn
23-09 20:40FeyenoordAyoub, Yassin
23-09 20:40FeyenoordAzarkan, Marouan
23-09 20:40FeyenoordBannis, Naoufal
23-09 20:40FeyenoordBeek, Sven van
23-09 20:40FeyenoordBerghuis, Steven
23-09 20:40FeyenoordBijlow, Justin
23-09 20:40FeyenoordBotteghin, Eric
23-09 20:40FeyenoordBurger, Wouter
23-09 20:40FeyenoordEl Bouchataoui, Achraf
23-09 20:40FeyenoordEvora, Elber
23-09 20:40FeyenoordFer, Leroy
23-09 20:40FeyenoordGeertruida, Lutsharel
23-09 20:40FeyenoordHaps, Ridgeciano
23-09 20:40FeyenoordHeijden, Jan-Arie van der
23-09 20:40FeyenoordIé, Edgar
23-09 20:40FeyenoordJohnston, George
23-09 20:40FeyenoordJørgensen, Nicolai
23-09 20:40FeyenoordKarsdorp, Rick
23-09 20:40FeyenoordKelly, Liam
23-09 20:40FeyenoordKökçü, Orkun
23-09 20:40FeyenoordLarsson, Sam
23-09 20:40FeyenoordMalacia, Tyrell
23-09 20:40FeyenoordMarsman, Nick
23-09 20:40FeyenoordNarsingh, Luciano
23-09 20:40FeyenoordSenesi, Marcos
23-09 20:40FeyenoordSinisterra, Luis
23-09 20:40FeyenoordTapia, Renato
23-09 20:40FeyenoordToornstra, Jens
23-09 20:40FeyenoordVermeer, Kenneth
Removed from start list
26-09 19:14FeyenoordFer, Leroy
26-09 19:14FeyenoordAyoub, Yassin
26-09 19:14FeyenoordMarsman, Nick
26-09 19:14FeyenoordJørgensen, Nicolai
26-09 19:14AZBakker, Justin
26-09 19:14FeyenoordKarsdorp, Rick
26-09 19:14AZBergsma, Leon
26-09 19:14FeyenoordBeek, Sven van
26-09 19:14AZWeigelt, Henri
26-09 19:14AZFriday, Fred
26-09 19:14FeyenoordHeijden, Jan-Arie van der
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Start list Fantasy Feyenoord - AZ

Update 26-09 19:14 hours: The start list is final!

(Football teams: 45) Starts on Thu 26 Sep 2019, 20:00

These start lists are based upon information from the organization of the race, the official sport federations, sport teams, and the sportsmen themselves. Zweeler will try to update the start lists as good as possible as a service! Zweeler is not responsible for mistakes on the start list. No rights can be derived from any mistake on the start list!