Added to start list
04-12 13:08GermanyWagner, Dana
04-12 13:08ItalyAzzetti, Nicole
04-12 13:08ItalyBianchi, Elisa
04-12 13:08ItalyGilioli, Marianna Angelica
04-12 13:08ItalyPellizotti, Giorgia
04-12 13:08SwitzerlandKipfmüller, Amélie
04-12 13:00AlbaniaKabetaj, Nelia
04-12 13:00BelgiumBrouwers, Julie
04-12 13:00BelgiumCant, Sanne
04-12 13:00BelgiumCoppens, Nette
04-12 13:00BelgiumFranck, Alicia
04-12 13:00BelgiumMoors, Fleur
04-12 13:00BelgiumPeeters, Jinse
04-12 13:00BelgiumSinaey, Xaydee Van
04-12 13:00BelgiumVerdonschot, Laura
04-12 13:00CanadaMcGill, Sidney
04-12 13:00CanadaRochette, Maghalie
04-12 13:00FranceClauzel, Hélène
04-12 13:00FranceHurteloup, Adèle
04-12 13:00GermanyBudde, Kaija
04-12 13:00ItalyBaroni, Francesca
04-12 13:00ItalyBorello, Carlotta
04-12 13:00ItalyBramati, Lucia
04-12 13:00ItalyBulleri, Alessia
04-12 13:00ItalyCasasola, Sara
04-12 13:00ItalyFerri, Elisa
04-12 13:00ItalyFontana, Beatrice
04-12 13:00ItalyGariboldi, Rebecca
04-12 13:00ItalyLechner, Eva
04-12 13:00NetherlandsBetsema, Denise
04-12 13:00NetherlandsBrand, Lucinda
04-12 13:00NetherlandsHoefmans, Pem
04-12 13:00NetherlandsKalis, Bloeme
04-12 13:00NetherlandsWorst, Annemarie
     No sportsmen have been removed from the start list
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Start list Project-Id-Version: Zweeler Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: Last-Translator: Sotar Language-Team: Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8 X-Poedit-Basepath: /home/roland/www/ X-Poedit-KeywordsList: t;translate X-Generator: Poedit 3.0 X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: _super11/application X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: _soccerpoule/application X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: main/main

This is the preliminary start list.

(Riders: 34) Starts on Thu 1 Jan 1970, 01:00

These start lists are based upon information from the organization of the race, the official sport federations, sport teams, and the sportsmen themselves. Zweeler will try to update the start lists as good as possible as a service! Zweeler is not responsible for mistakes on the start list. No rights can be derived from any mistake on the start list!