Added to start list
11-02 17:24Without teamAFC Bournemouth,
11-02 17:24Without teamArsenal,
11-02 17:24Without teamAston Villa,
11-02 17:24Without teamBrentford,
11-02 17:24Without teamBrighton and Hove Albion,
11-02 17:24Without teamChelsea,
11-02 17:24Without teamCrystal Palace,
11-02 17:24Without teamEverton,
11-02 17:24Without teamFulham,
11-02 17:24Without teamIpswich Town,
11-02 17:24Without teamLeicester City,
11-02 17:24Without teamLiverpool,
11-02 17:24Without teamManchester City,
11-02 17:24Without teamManchester United,
11-02 17:24Without teamNewcastle United,
11-02 17:24Without teamNottingham Forest,
11-02 17:24Without teamSouthampton,
11-02 17:24Without teamTottenham Hotspur,
11-02 17:24Without teamWest Ham United,
11-02 17:24Without teamWolverhampton Wanderers,
Removed from start list
11-02 17:24Without teamBrighton and Hove Albion,
11-02 17:24Without teamChelsea,
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Start list Premier League (Teams) 25

This is the preliminary start list.

(Football teams: 18) Starts on Sat 15 Feb 2025, 13:30

These start lists are based upon information from the organization of the race, the official sport federations, sport teams, and the sportsmen themselves. Zweeler will try to update the start lists as good as possible as a service! Zweeler is not responsible for mistakes on the start list. No rights can be derived from any mistake on the start list!