Added to start list
28-02 18:46Nice Métropole Côte dAzurGirard, Damien
28-02 18:46Nice Métropole Côte dAzurMassa, Dylan
28-02 18:45CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueJulien, Matisse
28-02 18:43TotalEnergiesBonnet, Thomas
28-02 18:42Israel - Premier TechMoore, Viggo
28-02 18:42Israel - Premier TechRaisberg, Nadav
28-02 18:42Israel - Premier TechTricht, Floris Van
28-02 18:40Intermarché - WantyBusatto, Francesco
28-02 18:38Decathlon AG2R La MondialeChaleil, Louis
28-02 18:37LottoGregaard, Jonas
28-02 18:37LottoWynkele, Lorenz Van de
28-02 11:07Van Rysel - RoubaixArm, Rait
28-02 11:06Team Visma - Lease a BikeSmith, Will
28-02 11:05Team Visma - Lease a BikeKruijswijk, Steven
28-02 11:03Team Picnic PostNLBardet, Romain
28-02 11:01Movistar TeamFormolo, Davide
28-02 10:59Soudal - Quick-StepWilder, Ilan Van
28-02 10:58Lidl - TrekGeoghegan Hart, Tao
28-02 10:58Lidl - TrekSimmons, Quinn
28-02 10:58Lidl - TrekVergaerde, Otto
27-02 20:51TotalEnergiesBurgaudeau, Mathieu
27-02 17:12Decathlon AG2R La MondialeBarhoumi, Ilian Alexandre
27-02 17:08XDS Astana TeamBekkum, Darren van
27-02 17:08XDS Astana TeamConci, Nicola
27-02 17:08XDS Astana TeamFortunato, Lorenzo
27-02 17:08XDS Astana TeamZanini, Simone
27-02 14:53Groupama - FDJCavagna, Rémi
27-02 14:53Groupama - FDJGrégoire, Baptiste
27-02 11:10Arkéa - BnB HotelsGarcía, Raúl
27-02 11:10Arkéa - BnB HotelsGuernalec, Victor
27-02 11:10Arkéa - BnB HotelsPoulard, Baptiste
27-02 11:10Arkéa - BnB HotelsRies, Michel
27-02 11:10Arkéa - BnB HotelsRouland, Louis
27-02 11:10Arkéa - BnB HotelsSvestad-Bårdseng, Embret
27-02 11:10Arkéa - BnB HotelsVenturini, Clément
27-02 11:10CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueAugé, Ronan
27-02 11:10CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueChaussinand, Joris
27-02 11:10CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueGuégan, Maël
27-02 11:10CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueHue, Antoine
27-02 11:10CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueJoalland, Yaël
27-02 11:10CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueLangella, Lenaïc
27-02 11:10CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueMariault, Axel
27-02 11:10CofidisAranburu, Alex
27-02 11:10CofidisHerrada, Jesús
27-02 11:10CofidisLastra, Jonathan
27-02 11:10CofidisMaisonobe, Sam
27-02 11:10CofidisPerez, Anthony
27-02 11:10CofidisSamitier, Sergio
27-02 11:10CofidisToumire, Hugo
27-02 11:10Israel - Premier TechCoté, Pier-André
27-02 11:10Israel - Premier TechLutsenko, Alexey
27-02 11:10Israel - Premier TechNeilands, Krists
27-02 11:10Israel - Premier TechRiccitello, Matthew
27-02 11:10Israel - Premier TechWilliams, Stevie
27-02 11:10Israel - Premier TechWoods, Michael
27-02 11:10Nice Métropole Côte dAzurCarbunarea, Andrei
27-02 11:10Nice Métropole Côte dAzurGuichard, Carter
27-02 11:10Nice Métropole Côte dAzurHänninen, Jaakko
27-02 11:10Nice Métropole Côte dAzurKnecht, Noah
27-02 11:10Nice Métropole Côte dAzurMifsud, Andrea
27-02 11:10Nice Métropole Côte dAzurNarbonne Zuccarelli, Axel
27-02 11:10Q36.5 Pro Cycling TeamAzparren, Xabier Mikel
27-02 11:10Q36.5 Pro Cycling TeamBadilatti, Matteo
27-02 11:10Q36.5 Pro Cycling TeamBax, Sjoerd
27-02 11:10Q36.5 Pro Cycling TeamCalzoni, Walter
27-02 11:10Q36.5 Pro Cycling TeamCamprubí, Marcel
27-02 11:10Q36.5 Pro Cycling TeamVader, Milan
27-02 11:10Q36.5 Pro Cycling TeamVanhoucke, Harm
27-02 11:10St Michel - Preference Home - Auber93Beneteau, Lucas
27-02 11:10St Michel - Preference Home - Auber93Breuillard, Nicolas
27-02 11:10St Michel - Preference Home - Auber93Champion, Thomas
27-02 11:10St Michel - Preference Home - Auber93Delacroix, Théo
27-02 11:10St Michel - Preference Home - Auber93Niekerk, Morné van
27-02 11:10St Michel - Preference Home - Auber93Riou, Alan
27-02 11:10St Michel - Preference Home - Auber93Simon, Yohann
27-02 11:10TotalEnergiesGrellier, Fabien
27-02 11:10TotalEnergiesJegat, Jordan
27-02 11:10TotalEnergiesJousseaume, Alan
27-02 11:10TotalEnergiesLatour, Pierre
27-02 11:10TotalEnergiesMarcerou, Nicola
27-02 11:10TotalEnergiesVercher, Mattéo
27-02 11:10Unibet Tietema RocketsCarboni, Giovanni
27-02 11:10Unibet Tietema RocketsEiking, Odd Christian
27-02 11:10Unibet Tietema RocketsHuyet, Baptiste
27-02 11:10Unibet Tietema RocketsMaire, Adrien
27-02 11:10Unibet Tietema RocketsMeris, Sergio
27-02 11:10Unibet Tietema RocketsToupalík, Adam
27-02 11:10Unibet Tietema RocketsVerschuren, Killian
27-02 11:10Van Rysel - RoubaixAvoine, Kévin
27-02 11:10Van Rysel - RoubaixCapron, Rémi
27-02 11:10Van Rysel - RoubaixGuillon, Célestin
27-02 11:10Van Rysel - RoubaixJarnet, Maxime
27-02 11:10Van Rysel - RoubaixJuillard, Maximilien
27-02 11:10Van Rysel - RoubaixMolly, Kenny
27-02 11:10Van Rysel - RoubaixThéot, Killian
27-02 11:10XDS Astana TeamChampoussin, Clément
27-02 11:10XDS Astana TeamCharmig, Anthon
27-02 11:10XDS Astana TeamMasnada, Fausto
27-02 11:10XDS Astana TeamPoels, Wout
27-02 11:10XDS Astana TeamScaroni, Christian
27-02 11:10XDS Astana TeamToneatti, Davide
27-02 11:04Decathlon AG2R La MondialeBerthet, Clément
27-02 11:04Decathlon AG2R La MondialeIsidore, Noa
27-02 11:04Decathlon AG2R La MondialeLafay, Victor
27-02 11:04Decathlon AG2R La MondialeParet-Peintre, Aurélien
27-02 11:04Decathlon AG2R La MondialePeters, Nans
27-02 11:04Decathlon AG2R La MondialeProdhomme, Nicolas
27-02 11:04Decathlon AG2R La MondialeTronchon, Bastien
27-02 11:04EF Education - EasyPostBattistella, Samuele
27-02 11:04EF Education - EasyPostBeloki, Markel
27-02 11:04EF Education - EasyPostCarapaz, Richard
27-02 11:04EF Education - EasyPostCepeda, Jefferson Alexander
27-02 11:04EF Education - EasyPostHealy, Ben
27-02 11:04EF Education - EasyPostRootkin-Gray, Jack
27-02 11:04EF Education - EasyPostRyan, Archie
27-02 11:04Groupama - FDJDonnenwirth, Tom
27-02 11:04Groupama - FDJGrégoire, Romain
27-02 11:04Groupama - FDJGruel, Thibaud
27-02 11:04Groupama - FDJMadouas, Valentin
27-02 11:04Groupama - FDJMartin-Guyonnet, Guillaume
27-02 11:04Groupama - FDJPaleni, Enzo
27-02 11:04Groupama - FDJRolland, Brieuc
27-02 11:04Intermarché - WantyBarré, Louis
27-02 11:04Intermarché - WantyBonneu, Kamiel
27-02 11:04Intermarché - WantyFaure Prost, Alexy
27-02 11:04Intermarché - WantyGoossens, Kobe
27-02 11:04Intermarché - WantyKamp, Alexander
27-02 11:04Intermarché - WantyKuypers, Gerben
27-02 11:04Intermarché - WantyMeintjes, Louis
27-02 11:04LottoCraps, Lars
27-02 11:04LottoCurrie, Logan
27-02 11:04LottoDrizners, Jarrad
27-02 11:04LottoSepúlveda, Eduardo
27-02 11:04LottoThompson, Reuben
27-02 11:04LottoVandenabeele, Henri
27-02 11:04LottoWidar, Jarno
27-02 11:04Movistar TeamGuerreiro, Ruben
27-02 11:04Movistar TeamMas, Enric
27-02 11:04Movistar TeamMühlberger, Gregor
27-02 11:04Movistar TeamRomo, Javier
27-02 11:04Movistar TeamSanchez, Pelayo
27-02 11:04Movistar TeamSerrano, Gonzalo
27-02 11:04Movistar TeamTesfatsion, Natnael
27-02 11:04Team Picnic PostNLBarguil, Warren
27-02 11:04Team Picnic PostNLCombaud, Romain
27-02 11:04Team Picnic PostNLDhondt, Robbe
27-02 11:04Team Picnic PostNLHamilton, Chris
27-02 11:04Team Picnic PostNLKoerdt, Bjoern
27-02 11:04Team Picnic PostNLVermaerke, Kevin
27-02 10:45Lidl - TrekBagioli, Andrea
27-02 10:45Lidl - TrekBernard, Julien
27-02 10:45Lidl - TrekDeclercq, Tim
27-02 10:45Lidl - TrekLopez, Juan Pedro
27-02 10:45Lidl - TrekMollema, Bauke
27-02 10:45Lidl - TrekOomen, Sam
27-02 10:45Lidl - TrekSkjelmose, Mattias
27-02 10:24Soudal - Quick-StepGarofoli, Gianmarco
27-02 10:24Soudal - Quick-StepHayter, Ethan
27-02 10:24Soudal - Quick-StepLecerf, Junior
27-02 10:24Soudal - Quick-StepParet-Peintre, Valentin
27-02 10:24Soudal - Quick-StepSerry, Pieter
27-02 10:24Soudal - Quick-StepVervaeke, Louis
27-02 10:24Soudal - Quick-StepVervenne, Jonathan
27-02 10:24Team Visma - Lease a BikeGraat, Tijmen
27-02 10:24Team Visma - Lease a BikeHuising, Menno
27-02 10:24Team Visma - Lease a BikeNordhagen, Jørgen
27-02 10:24Team Visma - Lease a BikeTulett, Ben
27-02 10:24Team Visma - Lease a BikeUijtdebroeks, Cian
27-02 10:24Team Visma - Lease a BikeValter, Attila
27-02 10:24Team Visma - Lease a BikeZingle, Axel
27-02 10:23Tudor Pro Cycling TeamBrenner, Marco
27-02 10:23Tudor Pro Cycling TeamEriksson, Jacob
27-02 10:23Tudor Pro Cycling TeamEriksson, Lucas
27-02 10:23Tudor Pro Cycling TeamHirschi, Marc
27-02 10:23Tudor Pro Cycling TeamRondel, Mathys
27-02 10:23Tudor Pro Cycling TeamThalmann, Roland
27-02 10:23Tudor Pro Cycling TeamVoisard, Yannis
26-02 11:40UAE Team Emirates XRGArrieta, Igor
26-02 11:40UAE Team Emirates XRGAyuso, Juan
26-02 11:40UAE Team Emirates XRGChristen, Jan
26-02 11:40UAE Team Emirates XRGDel Toro, Isaac
26-02 11:40UAE Team Emirates XRGJohansen, Julius
26-02 11:40UAE Team Emirates XRGMcNulty, Brandon
26-02 11:40UAE Team Emirates XRGSchwarzbacher, Matthias
Removed from start list
28-02 18:46Nice Métropole Côte dAzurGuichard, Carter
28-02 18:46Nice Métropole Côte dAzurNarbonne Zuccarelli, Axel
28-02 18:45CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueAugé, Ronan
28-02 18:45Van Rysel - RoubaixAvoine, Kévin
28-02 18:43TotalEnergiesGrellier, Fabien
28-02 18:42Israel - Premier TechLutsenko, Alexey
28-02 18:42Israel - Premier TechWilliams, Stevie
28-02 18:41Team Picnic PostNLVermaerke, Kevin
28-02 18:40Intermarché - WantyKamp, Alexander
28-02 18:39EF Education - EasyPostCarapaz, Richard
28-02 18:38Decathlon AG2R La MondialeLafay, Victor
28-02 18:37LottoCraps, Lars
28-02 18:37LottoDrizners, Jarrad
28-02 18:37LottoWidar, Jarno
28-02 11:07Van Rysel - RoubaixThéot, Killian
28-02 11:05Team Visma - Lease a BikeNordhagen, Jørgen
28-02 11:05Team Visma - Lease a BikeZingle, Axel
28-02 11:01Movistar TeamGuerreiro, Ruben
28-02 11:01Movistar TeamMühlberger, Gregor
28-02 11:01Movistar TeamSerrano, Gonzalo
28-02 10:58Lidl - TrekDeclercq, Tim
28-02 10:58Lidl - TrekLopez, Juan Pedro
28-02 10:58Lidl - TrekOomen, Sam
27-02 17:12Decathlon AG2R La MondialePeters, Nans
27-02 17:08XDS Astana TeamMasnada, Fausto
27-02 17:08XDS Astana TeamPoels, Wout
27-02 17:08XDS Astana TeamToneatti, Davide
27-02 14:53Groupama - FDJGruel, Thibaud
27-02 14:53Groupama - FDJRolland, Brieuc
27-02 11:11Soudal - Quick-StepHayter, Ethan
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Start list Faun Ardèche Classic

Update 28-02 18:46 hours: The start list is final!

(Riders: 154) Starts on Sat 1 Mar 2025, 12:09

These start lists are based upon information from the organization of the race, the official sport federations, sport teams, and the sportsmen themselves. Zweeler will try to update the start lists as good as possible as a service! Zweeler is not responsible for mistakes on the start list. No rights can be derived from any mistake on the start list!